SPF Consulting AG - Agile Services Menü

Business Agility

Agile Services for enterprise-wide agility

Agility is to be interpreted as company-wide change and the changes are to be addressed on four different levels:

  1. Align the vision and strategy with agility
  2. Apply agile methods to products and projects
  3. Develop leadership as a management tool
  4. Support agile teams in their development

We support organizations and teams in all of these topics and help to develop an agile DNA.

Get started with Agile Services


Get started with your new team. We will show you that there is more to it than just showing a product idea and holding an aperitif. A properly designed team kickoff accelerates your team development. Your team will be excited and you won’t want to do without it in the future.


Tip: This format is also suitable for bringing new momentum to your existing team.

Team collaboration with Lego Serious Play

In scaled agile environments, efficient and effective collaboration between teams is a key to success.


Working together to make weaknesses in a physical model visible, uncover them and develop solutions is the key to success.

Correct feedback as a success factor

A feedback culture is an important pillar in successful teams and organizations. Appreciative feedback is motivating and allows people to grow.


Everyone can learn to give and take feedback. We’ll show you how to build a healthy feedback culture.

SPF Consulting AG - Agile Services - Agile DNA

Agile DNA

Agile DNA für Teams

An agile company always puts customer benefit at the center and aligns its activities with it. The iterative approach is used intensively to continuously improve or change the product and itself. A learning organization is created. The collaboration of agile teams is based on common values ​​and is guided by common principles. There is a positive dynamic that can be felt throughout the company – the agile DNA.

We support organizations and teams with appropriate procedures and methods to develop their own agile DNA.

Discover the key factors of your transformation here

Download our poster with the key factors of your successful transformation today.

SPF Consulting AG - Agile Services - Charles Darwin Quote

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.

Charles Darwin

British natural scientist

SPF Consulting AG - Agile - Vision & Strategie

Vision & strategy

Vision & strategy for organizations

The question of the organization’s purpose is answered at the strategy level. In order for agility to live, it must be clear what the company exists for and where the journey is going. This is the only way an organization can function in an agile sense. But it is not just the corporate strategy that is crucial; beacons are also needed for the products and organizational aspects. We bring ideas and tools into the company so that the heartbeat of agility can be felt every day.

Our offers on agility and strategy

Agile is more than just working a little differently in the teams. Self-organization does not mean leaving the organization to itself. Agile does not mean working without a plan.

But what does the term agile actually mean? Which elements are included? And why is a statement like “We’ll do it agile” a warning sign of dysfunction?

This introductory seminar on the topic of agility aims to create a common understanding among the participants of the key elements of an agile organization. We mix practical examples with interactive elements to create an exciting overview with a workshop character.

Duration: 90 minutes
Participants: max. 16 people

How do you judge whether an idea is promising or not?

We and your management team will guide you through an inspiring workshop that answers exactly this question about your product or business idea.

Duration: 4-8 hours, depending on the scope
Participants: max. 8 people

Company-wide agility means more than just methods and techniques. We use various models to show which approaches exist, develop possible solutions for your organization in workshops and use practical examples to show how others do it.

Duration: 2 days
Participants: max. 16 people

SPF Consulting AG - Agile - Teams


Agile Teams

Agility focuses on interdisciplinary teams that organize themselves, act autonomously and take responsibility for a product/project or parts of it. We support the creation of such teams, train them in the important methods and accompany them in their further development.

Our offers for agile teams

With our Agile Health Check, we work with your team to determine the status of agility, point out blind spots and support you with suitable interventions on the next development step.

Would you like to know where you stand with your agile team and where it can develop further?

Do you have a (new) team and want to get started with it according to agile principles?

We support you in conducting a team Kick-off as a basis for sustainably successful collaboration.

Effective Scrum Masters form the backbone of the success of your agile teams.

Our experienced agile coaches will help you to anchor the agile mindset of your Scrum Masters and increase the maturity of your Scrum Masters. Through our  coaching and mentoring approach we develop the potential of your Scrum Masters.

SPF Consulting AG - IREB Training - Expertengespräch
Leadership Agile Services


Leadership in agile organizations

Company-wide agility poses new challenges for managers. Classic tools no longer work and the system behaves differently. The pace of digital change, people from younger generations with, for example, completely new communication habits, changed value systems, customer orientation and much more require a rethinking of our leadership systems.

But leadership does not just mean a change in the familiar leadership hierarchy. Entrepreneurial thinking is required more than ever, at all levels. But can everyone be a boss? Can everyone be an entrepreneur? Do people want to be led or not?

Our leadership offers answer these and many other questions in such a way that you can do something with them in your company.

Our offers for agile leadership

Learn and experience the essential elements that you need to lead your agile team or your agile organization. You will receive the tools to be successful as an agile leader.

Duration: 3 days
Participants: max. 16 people

SPF Consulting AG - Kunden - finnova Bankware AG - Herbert Ryf

Sufi’s coaching is solution-oriented; I didn’t have to justify my mistakes, which I am grateful for. I got to know new views and perspectives and received many new impulses.

Herbert Ryf

Scrum Master, finnova Bankware AG

SPF Consulting AG - Agile - Produkte & Projekte

Produkte & Projekte

Building skills throughout the development process

In order to successfully devleop products in an agile way, agile skills in the various disciplines such as requirements engineering and testing are required throughout the entire process. In addition, the skills of the key roles of product owner and scrum master are also a key factor for success.

Our offers for agile product development

Learn with us how you can use the craft of visual facilitation in a short space of time and thus give your meetings, retrospectives or workshops an additional productivity boost.

We live in times of Scrum, Kanban, SAFe DevOps and just-in-time specification. In our courses you will learn in a practical way how to transform from traditional to agile requirements engineering.

We familiarize you with the basic practices of agile software development and enable you to work as an agile tester in an interdisciplinary team.

If you want to improve processes and shorten lead times, Kanban is a good method to get started easily and achieve results quickly.

Kanban starts with the status quo of the organization, processes and roles, pursues continuous improvement in small steps and promotes leadership at all levels.

Courses on offer:

  • Get to know Kanban: Duration 1/2 day workshop with a playful introduction to Kanban
  • Apply Kanban: KMP I: Kanban in action, duration 2 days
  • Operate Kanban: Duration 1 day
  • Improve Kanban: KMP II, duration 2 days

In the Scrum Product Owner course you will learn what a product owner needs to successfully develop their product with the team from vision to completion.

After this course you can successfully complete the Scrum Product Owner certification with the Scrum Alliance.

In the Scrum Master course, you will learn the principles, values, roles, artifacts and ceremonies contained in Scrum in detail and practice the concrete application in practice so that you, as a future Scrum Master, can lead your teams to success.

After this course, you can successfully complete the Scrum Master certification with the Scrum Alliance.