A Sustainable Approach to Successful Agile Metrics

Agile Metrics: 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success

A Sustainable Approach to Successful Agile Metrics

In the world of agile methods, continuous improvement is a central principle. But how can an agile team or organization objectively measure its progress and performance?

This is where agile key figures or “metrics” come into play. They help to monitor the development process, identify bottlenecks and make any progress visible. But not all metrics are equally relevant or useful.

In this blog article, we take a closer look at which metrics are really relevant in an agile environment and how they can be used effectively.

The Importance of Agile Metrics

Agile metrics are tools that help agile teams to understand and improve the way they work. They provide deep insights into the efficiency and productivity of a team, support the decision-making process and promote transparency within a team and organization.

Unfortunately, there is a risk that agile teams focus on the wrong agile metrics, which in turn can lead to misinterpretation and inefficient processes. This makes it even more important and crucial to choose the appropriate metrics that reflect the actual progress and quality of work.


Important Agile Key Figures



Agile Metrics: The 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success - Team Velocity

Velocity measures the amount of work that a team can complete in a sprint. It is often measured in story points, which represent the amount of work.

The Velocity is useful to monitor a team’s performance over time and to better plan future sprints. It helps to understand the actual capacity of the team and to set realistic goals.

Agile teams should not use the velocity to evaluate the performance of individual team members, but as an indicator of the team efficiency and to improve upon team estimates.

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2. Burndown and Burnup Charts

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Burndown charts show the remaining workload in a sprint, while burnup charts show the progress of completed work and the remaining tasks.

These charts provide kind of a visual representation of progress and support agile teams to identify bottlenecks as early as possible and make any necessary adjustments.

Regularly reviewing the charts during the sprint ensures that the team stays on track and can react to problems on time.

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3. Lead Time and Cycle Time

Agile Metrics: The 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success - Lead and Cycle Time

Lead time is the time that elapses from the receipt of a request to its completion. Cycle time measures the time from the start of work on a request to its final completion.

Both metrics help agile teams to evaluate the efficiency of their development process. They provide information on how quickly a team can actually react to new requirements and ultimately implement them.

Both agile metrics are used to reduce lead and cycle time by identifying and eliminating bottlenecks in the process.

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4. Cumulative Flow Diagram

Agile Metrics: The 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success

A Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) shows the number of tasks in different phases of the work process over time.

The CFD helps to identify bottlenecks and delays in the work flow and to assess the stability of a process. A regular analysis of the CFD is mainly used for continuous improvements in a process.

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5. Defect Density

Agile Metrics: The 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success - Defect Density

The defect density measures the number of defects per unit of the code base, often per thousand lines of code (KLOC) or per function.

This key figure provides information about the quality of the code and the effectiveness of the test processes, and can be used to reduce defect density through improved test procedures and code reviews.

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6. Customer Satisfaction

Agile Metrics: The 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success - Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) measures the satisfaction of a customer with the delivered product or service.

The customer satisfaction is a key indicator for the success of a project, as it directly indicates the acceptance and usefulness of the product. It is used to collect customer feedback on a regular basis, and enables development processes to be adapted based on this feedback.

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7. Team Happiness

Agile Metrics: The 7 Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Success - Team Happiness

This key figure measures the satisfaction and well-being of your team members.

Satisfied and motivated team members are more productive and creative. Team Happiness is an indicator of the health of the working environment. And regular team surveys and measures help to improve the working atmosphere.

Learn more on the topic:


Application and Interpretation of Agile Key Figures

The effective use of agile metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) requires more than just collecting the data. Agile teams need to regularly review and interpret their results and take action based on them. Here are some best practices for agile metrics:

  • Continuous review: Agile metrics should be reviewed at regular intervals to identify not only trends and but patterns. This can be done during retrospectives or review meetings.
  • Adaptability: Agile methods and the associated KPIs should remain flexible. Agile teams should be and stay willing to try out new agile metrics and adapt existing ones if they are no longer relevant or useful.
  • Actionable insights: The interpretation of data should lead to actions. For example, a high defect density could indicate the need for better testing practices.
  • Promote transparency: The results of the agile metrics should be communicated openly within the team and also with key stakeholders to promote a shared understanding and trust.
  • Avoid micromanagement: Metrics should not be used to control or even punish individual teams or team members. The focus should always be on improving the overall process of an organization for a mutual and sustainable success.



These agile metrics in an agile project management context are valuable and support agile teams in improving their efficiency, productivity and quality.

Choosing the right agile metrics is crucial to get a clear and objective overview of the development process. Velocity, burndown and burnup charts, lead time and cycle time, cumulative flow diagrams, defect density, customer satisfaction and team happiness are some of the most relevant agile metrics in an agile environment. Through regular review, transparent communication and focused action, teams can use these metrics to their advantage to continuously improve and achieve their goals.

Agility is a continuous learning process, and the right metrics help to manage and optimize this process.


More information on the topic:


Katja Reck, Agile Consultant

With a lot of experience as a Product Owner, Katja knows exactly how the interaction with the Scrum Master works. With this experience and a charming Berlin dialect, Katja puts teams on the road to success as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach.

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