SPF Consulting AG - Ensemble Testing für das ganze Team

Ensemble Testing for more collaboration

Ensemble Testing

With Ensemble Testing, a cross-functional team uses the multiple-eyes principle to quickly exchange knowledge and build team cohesion, and find hidden errors that were not found with traditional testing. As a special form of the well-known exploratory testing, motivation in the team is increased and productivity is increased.

For more information on Ensemble Testing, contact us.

Origin, key points and procedure of Ensemble Testing

This is what you need to know about Ensemble Testing

Origin of Ensemble Testing

Originally derived from Mob Programming (or Ensemble Programming), Ensemble Testing is establishing itself in agile teams as a valuable addition to testing methods.  Ensemble testing is a special form of exploratory testing, which has been around for a long time, mixed with the experience of ensemble programming.  Maaret Pyhäjärvi, who was also in charge of ensemble programming, made ensemble testing known in the industry.

Key points

By including different roles, including their subject, the best is brought out of the team, instead of squeezing the most out of each individual. The resulting fun factor is also crucial for team cohesion and motivation.

Depending on the size of the team and requirements, modified forms such as pair testing or session-based exploratory testing can also be used.

Ensemble testing can be carried out both on site and, with a few adjustments, remotely.


The most striking feature of ensemble testing is that it works on just one device. The person controlling the team is called the “driver“. This role has no authority to influence the actions. It reacts to calls and instructions from the “mob“. The team rotates the roles at predefined intervals.  The whole thing is controlled by a “moderator” role. They accompany the process and ensure that the rules are followed. It is also important to document the findings in a comprehensible manner for later troubleshooting and insights.  The most important advantages of the experience with ensemble programming, such as error reduction, knowledge exchange and team building, can also be found in ensemble testing.

SPF Mitarbeiter Danilo Biella

The most important benefits from the experience with Ensemble Programming, such as error reduction, knowledge sharing and team building, can also be found in Ensemble Testing.

Danilo Biella

Agile & Quality Professional, SPF Consulting AG

Videos on the topic of ensemble testing

Our explanatory videos on the topic of ensemble quality

These are the questions we are asked most frequently about ensemble testing

A group of four or five people is optimal. For purely academic events (introductions to ensemble testing) it can be up to nine. Online, on the other hand, it seems to work better with smaller teams, three or four people. Due to spatial and temporal restrictions (latency), not all things work the same.

The four-eyes principle is not the only important thing about this method. It is also about knowledge transfer and team building. The fun factor is also reduced with only 2 people and the flow state occurs less often. Pair testing is a step in the right direction, but we recommend taking one step more.

No. On the contrary. Simple arithmetic is not applicable here. The work is not done by the typing and clicking hands, but by the thinking heads. And you are not always in ensemble testing, there is enough space for retreat and personal reflection.

The navigator certainly has its place in ensemble programming, but even there, in well-rehearsed teams, it is eliminated over time. In mob testing, on the other hand, a moderator or facilitator is more useful. The main thing is not to distribute all 3 roles, as is seen in some dialects. Of course, in the end, every team is unique and you have to adapt the right construct to the circumstances in an agile way.

Would you like to find out more about ensemble testing?

Then contact us. We are happy to help.